JHE targets real estate markets which provide high security in economic strength and high return due to healthy demands. JHE is now expanding operations into the South Pacific targeting markets like Singapore and Hong Kong.
Headquartered in Singapore JHE will be expanding opportunities for international investors to become part of the rapidly growing Asian Pacific expansion via the JHE enterprise.
Over the past few years, market sentiment has improved, as evidenced by a strong increase in demand. New private residential units sold more than doubled in Q1 2017 from a year earlier, to almost 3000 units. Though, other factors, such as low interest rates and relatively more affordable property prices, have also contributed to the recent sharp increase in sales JHE is looking forward towards bright opportunities and broad international expansion.
Resale prices of condominiums and private apartments in Singapore continue to accelerate, surpassing the last peak in prices seen in January 2014. Prices in February climbed 1.9 per cent from the previous month – higher than the 1.3 per cent month-on-month price rise seen in January. February’s resale prices were one per cent higher than the peak in January 2014 and 7.6 per cent higher than a year ago, providing JHE with the proper parameters for large scale residential and commercial investments. JHE will develop and manage numerous units throughout the South East, with various investment options.
Due to the price appreciation was seen across all locations, the core central region, rest of the central region, and outside central region, recorded month-on-month price increases of 1.5 percent, 1.7 percent, and 2.2 percent respectively. This means the window of opportunity for financially sound and solid real estate investments is NOW with JHE’s Asian Pacific outreach.
For information or to contact our Singapore HQ, please email our South East Asia representative:
Avi Levi at A.Levi@jhehomes.com